Bank of America (90x60cm)

Bazooka cab (80x100cm)

Before and after the met (60x90cm)

Conversation (90x60cm)

Dressed for the occasion (90x60cm)

In line (90x60cm)

Internet girls and the Colombine inspired

Lady in red (60x90cm)

Line-up (60x90cm)

Mother and son II (60x90cm)

No.4 Universal people (100x125cm)

Product placement (60x90cm)

Summer in the city (80x100cm)

Supermarket Boston (100x140cm)

Teen (60x90cm)

The assignment

The entry of JC in NYC (80x115cm)

The gang (60x90cm)

The map (80x120)

The pose (90x60cm)

The video

Wait (90x60cm)

Walking on the west side (100x100cm)

Window shopping (65x75cm)